Thursday, November 8, 2012

The NFL Is Ruining Football

So, it's been a few months. This is me making an effort to not be one of those people who thinks it's a great idea to start a blog, write a couple posts, then abandon it -- which turns out to be very easy to do (see: this blog). The ridiculous part is when I look back at all that has happened in the world and in my life since I last published a post*, but the thing that inspired me to get on my computer tonight and rant -- The Shield (better known as the NFL to the uninitiated Clones). 

*Me being hired to my first 'real' job, me being laid off from that crappy job (ok yeah im a little bitter, but that job seriously sucked), me being hired again (liking it so far),  the 2012 election, Hurricane Sandy, etc...

It's Thursday night, and I have very little interest in the game the NFL decided to 'showcase' - the Jags v the Colts, aside from the fact that I have Rashad Jennings on my fantasy team. The game was going about as well as you would expect it to, but there was one moment that really inspired me to write this post. 

It's the end of the first quarter, Colts up 3-0. Andrew luck drops back to pass, is pressured, and tosses up a decent looking ball in spite of throwing off his back foot. Sure enough, it's picked. I'm happy. This means more potential carries going to Jennings. But wait......FLAG. The call = roughing the passer's vagina. 

This is going to sound insensitive, but I'm fed up with this player safety bullshit. I know the league can't afford to defend itself against every half-retarded ex-player who files a lawsuit, but all of these whistles are having a tremendous effect on the outcomes of these games. That Andrew Luck pass I mentioned? They of course regained possession of the ball, marched down the field and scored a TD. 

Now, I don't have enough time, nor do I care enough to lay down a coherent argument supported with more examples of this, but most people who watch football on Sundays (and Mondays...and Thursdays) realize that these new rules are affecting the game. Personally, I want to see James Harrison take someone's head off. THAT's football. If the receiver disagrees with me, maybe he should have stayed in college long enough to actually graduate and voluntarily pursue a career that does NOT pose any significant health threats. These players know what they signed up for. This is the deal: They get lots of money. We get to watch them display their talents (and get smashed every once in a while). The owners/league reap the rewards -- happy fans buying crap. 

But the product the NFL puts on the field now is absolute garbage compared to what it was ten years ago. They are solely focused on making money even if it means compromising the integrity of the sport that was once great. I want defense to matter. I want to see running backs get 25-30 carries a game. I want linebackers to not have to think twice about leveling the QB on a perfectly executed blitz. Wondering - oh shit, am I going to get fined for this? Is my team going to get penalized if I make this great football play? 

It's sickening and sad that this is what people think football is now, and even more sickening to think what it will be like ten years further down the road. Who needs pads? By then, the NFL will have strict rules requiring all players to wear team-colored lingerie instead of uniforms in an attempt to "reach that female demographic." 

Until something changes...or I just give in, I will focus much more on college football from now on (which I have always preferred anyway, but that damn fantasy football is so addicting!)


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